
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I don’t know how to put my expectations into words, but here goes:

I am really looking forward to speaking in Spanish. While I am not the best at the language, I LOVE that. I think sometimes I can find behind eloquent words (whoops, I mean big words. 🙂 ), but in Spanish, I don’t have a big vocabulary, which is so exciting. (Hopefully that made sense.)

I think that God will teach me how to better show His love.  I think I have a LOT still to learn in that category and I know that God’s going to teach me some awesome things!

I am expecting to be PUSHED out of my comfort zone. I help lead groups on this three-day inner city ministry thing. One of the things that we (the leaders) tell the group (before we start) is to not be afraid to get out of their comfort zone, because they will be AMAZED how God uses them when they get out of their little boxes. I have a feeling I’m going to have to tell myself that a lot this trip (and I will probably need my team members to help to: Team, feel free to remind me!).

I think that God is going to use this trip to show that He is bigger than my fears. This is my first out-of-the-country mission trip and I almost decided against going, because I was too afraid. One of my friends told me that I just have to look at a fear (what she calls a lie that I believe) and say, “This is not true, because God says….” And then NOT let the enemy take a hold of it, because God already won the battle. Putting this in practice is hard for me. It is easier for me to hold on to a fear than give it to God. I hope that I will be able to give Him my fears.
These were some of the main categories, but I cannot adequately describe the feeling that I have about the trip and what my heart expects. Oh, and one other thing:

One day, I was talking to a friend and something he said surprised me. He said a little something like this: “You know, you are probably gonna see something down there (In the Dominican) that will completely shock you. And you know what: it will probably change your life.”

Much love,
